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Friday, 28 August 2015

Onwards and upwards

After my meltdown on Wednesday I've been feeling loads better!

I spent all day yesterday making resources for my classroom (and having plenty of rest) which definitely helped me. I was still in pain but the painkillers dulled it and it did me good to have a day where I could just sit down all day. Obviously this isn't ideal if I want to get some strength back in my legs but it helps with the rest of my symptoms. I had a clean up in the house as well which always puts me in a good mood.

I had hoped to go swimming in the evening but by the time it got to the right time, my back was agony and all I wanted to do was sleep. So I made sure I had a nice early night and set my alarm for 7 so I could go before I went into school. I had so much to do in my classroom and I haven't actually managed to get it all done, but it's just the last bits that can be done on Thursday before the children come back. I had an average sleep, took me a while to fall asleep then I was wide awake at 4. I watched the Goofy Movie for a bit (my new falling asleep film) and finally drifted back off. This made the alarm a bit more painful but I was determined to start my day with a swim. I was in a fair bit of pain when I got up but I try not to take painkillers if I'm going to be doing something active. If I'm fully aware of my pain then it's less likely that I will overdo it and hurt myself. I was pretty proud of myself and got my 40 lengths in which I hoped I would. My membership at the leisure centre includes 'SwimTag'; you wear a wristband which tracks your stroke, lengths, pace, calories burnt etc. I find this really helpful and can always see the difference between my good and bad days.

Today's swim. 

I went straight from the pool to work and spent the next 5 and a half hours changing the paper on the displays, stapling things on the wall and tidying. It's still not exactly how I would like it, but it's definitely getting there!

Some pictures of my classroom. 

On my way home I had a lovely long chat with my mum. I do miss seeing her all the time but we still have regular catch up's! When I got in, my compression socks had arrived so I am wearing them now to get used to them. They are very comfortable and fit perfectly so I'm hoping I will start to see the difference. It's frustrating that I've had my diagnosis for nearly a year and have questioned the dizziness and it's only mentioned now that it is common in CFS to have poor circulation. When I stand, the blood rushes down and the socks are supposed to encourage the blood back to my heart and help me feel better and less weak. Fingers crossed they help me stay on my feet for longer.

My very attractive compression socks. 

I've had a cup of tea, slice of banoffee pie and am now having a much needed rest while watching Pretty Little Liars. I've had a busy couple of days getting things ready for school and I want a weekend where I don't have to worry about it. I can't believe how quickly the summer holidays have gone. I'm excited to go back and nervous!

I just have a few more bits to do for school and then I can get into bed. I'm going to try and get up relatively early the next couple of days to get my body back into a routine of getting up early and living on less sleep.

As well as feeling a bit better physically, I'm back to my usual happy self again. I know it's okay to have a bad day and feel angry and upset about my health but it's important to stay positive. I know I can get through my bad days and I know I have the support of my friends and family. I often feel guilty that Adam gets the brunt of it most of the time. He sits with me when I'm feeling sad, lays next to me when I want to spend the afternoon in bed and brings me what I need when I don't have the energy to move. I'm sure he didn't expect when we got together that it would be like being with an old lady, but he never complains. I'm so grateful for everything he does for me and when I'm having a good day like today I can really see it! <3 xxxx

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