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Friday, 31 July 2015

The Joy of the NHS

Hi again,

I was feeling really rubbish today, standing and walking is becoming even harder, I feel so weak and dizzy. I knew I had a doctors appointment this afternoon so I wasn't too concerned.

I wrote a list in advance with everything I needed to mention and as always, I feel like I got no where. I mentioned the dizziness and struggle to stand/walk and all he did was take my blood pressure when sitting and standing, told me the results were the same so there wasn't an issue. He then went over my blood results from a year ago and asked me if I was made aware that my Vitamin D levels were very low. I was not. So am now on Vitamin D tablets everyday for the foreseeable future.

He was very reluctant to accept the amount of pain I am in and openly admitted that he knows nothing about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. This obviously did not fill me with much hope, although he did prescribe much stronger painkillers so fingers crossed these will help.

Lastly, I have agreed to try Fluoxetine again (an anti-depressent but I'm NOT depressed) since they help give you more restorative sleep and keep the pain at a more constant level. I'm not getting my hopes up since I was on these for 9 months and did not see any difference. I am worse since then though so maybe I will see a difference this time.

The doctor did say that when I move to Norwich, I will be quickly referred to the Norfolk Chronic Fatigue clinic, which is meant to be pretty good! So hopefully will get more help then.

All in all, a very expensive trip to the doctors.

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