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Monday, 1 August 2016


As always, it's been a while since I blogged. I've been very busy juggling working, social life (for a change) and ill health. I honestly think I must be one of the only people in the country to be happy that the weather has gone back to rain. The heat and humidity made me very poorly and it's only now that the weather has gone rainy and cooler that I realised how much it was affecting me. I also had a very busy last few days of work which did not help my pain. First off, transition week was always going to be hard, having a new class is exhausting for healthy people, let alone people with chronic fatigue! I was very emotional saying goodbye to my old class, they will always be special to me because they were my first. Also they are an amazing bunch of kids so it was very hard.

In the last few days of school, we had the year 6 leavers prom, which was fun but exhausting. I left at around 9:30, way past my usual bedtime (tragic I know) and had to be in work the next day. We finished at 1 o'clock on the last day which was great and Adam and some friends came to Yarmouth so we could spend the day in the sun and try and catch some Pokemon (which I'll write about next). The following day my body decided enough was enough and I slept until 4pm, I felt AWFUL. We managed to go out for a bit in the evening just to get out of the house and play Pokemon.

Me before the year 6 leavers prom

I've seen a lot of opinions on Facebook of how 'pathetic' and 'immature' it is to be walking around chasing imaginary creatures. Maybe it is. However, when it has improved my mobility slightly - I can walk a bit longer and a bit further - and has stopped me worrying constantly about walking. I know my case is slightly different but maybe people are a bit too quick to judge. There are always things we do not know about people and I find the comments offensive and unnecessary.

Moving on from the negativity. I had the loveliest weekend (last weekend - 23/24 July) with my uni friends, two flew over from Ireland and others travelled from around the country to Norwich. It was great to see everyone and we packed lots into the weekend. On Saturday we went to the beach and chilled out catching up in the sun. After that we had a barbecue in the evening and some drinks. Everyone was going out in the city afterwards but I was already 99% sure I wouldn't feel well enough to join them. I had a red bull before we went but it didn't give me the energy boost I needed and by 10pm I was absolutely exhausted. Luckily my pain levels stayed fairly under control but I desperately needed my bed. Everyone else was getting drunk and I started to feel very left out. I tried to keep my spirits up and join in with the games but by 11/12 I'd well and truly had enough. We got a lift home and I slept soundly until 11am the next day. On Sunday me and Adam spent some time together in the sun having lunch and playing Pokemon. We went to the park to meet our friends before going home for dinner, then back out for drinks. This time I had a bit more energy and enjoyed being out. We were only having a relaxed drink sat outside a bar which is much more my kind of thing these days. On Monday my friend popped in to say goodbye and I spent the rest of the day in bed. Since then I have spent my days in and out of bed. I've been in quite a lot of pain and am needing co-codamol every day which is worse than usual. It was worth it for such a lovely weekend.

With my lovely friends on the beach!

I am very excited as I am going on holiday tomorrow!! I'll be sunning it up in Majorca for two weeks. Last year in Spain, the heat helped my symptoms a lot so I am hoping it will be the same this year. I am slightly apprehensive after feeling so poorly during our heat wave here. I spent yesterday with my brother, his girlfriend and my gorgeous little nephew before coming to my mum's to pack and rest before the flight. I'm feeling pretty exhausted and dreading the travelling part but I can't wait for the holiday. I am taking my wheelchair which I will use in the airport. What people don't understand is that it isn't just the pain and fatigue that affect me; noise, brightness, lots of people etc affect my symptoms. As flying will be hard on my body anyway, it makes sense to preserve as much energy as I can beforehand by not having to walk. At least then I'll have Wheel-iam (my chair) when I'm away, should I need it! I am well prepared for any symptom flare up and am hoping excitement will see me through. It's only a 2 hour flight so I should be okay.

My beautiful nephew
Taking my dog on a Pokemon walk

Wish me luck and I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! xxx